Keep 95!

We cannot live in the world every day, take from it every day and not in some small way give something back every day, right?

Current average contributions to the greater good of the world from governments and citizens alike hovers around 0.5% of what countries and individuals possess. That is an unsustainably low number and painful to look at on the piechart on the right.

Keep 95 means keeping 95% of what you have (in terms of time, energy, resources, money) and giving 5% for the greater good.

Helping others can’t be and shouldn’t be at the expense of ourselves. It does not need to be. Furthermore, investing in a better world can be a powerful catalyst for adding satisfaction and even meaning to your life.

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Current Contributions:

Keep 95! Suggestion:

Create your personal contribution profile

Continuous supporters of the World Peace 2035 NPO can distribute their donations between 4 domains.

World Peace is not a stand-alone reality. It is strongly linked to poverty, to children's health and education, to the environment. Therefore, in our quest for World Peace by 2035 we also promote the continuous support for the three additional domains besides Peace. Furthermore we give you the opportunity to create your own personalised contribution profile.

peace, children, poverty and environment.

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You can assign a percentage of your donation for peace.

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You can assign a percentage of your donation for children.

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You can assign a percentage of your donation for poverty.

Supported projects »


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You can assign a percentage of your donation for the environment.

Supported projects »

It's up to you

You can choose to distribute your continuous donation equally between these domains or choose to prioritize one of them.

Donate now

Equal Distribution Example

Peace Priority Example

20% of your donation will be used to keep the WP2035 non-profit organization (NPO) up and running.